Circle Players News
Bob Jeffcoat
(1.1.1940 – 27.8.2024)
Life President of the Circle Players
In this our celebratory 90th year of the Circle Players it is with great sadness that we have to report the death of our dearly loved Life President Bob Jeffcoat, who died on 27 August 2024. Bob shared the position of Life President alongside his wife Margaret. Bob and Margaret met when Bob joined the Circle Players in 1958, Margaret having become a member 2 years earlier in 1956. They went on to marry and have 2 children, Carol and Jenny. Jenny is a well-known Circle Player but even Carol has been known to venture on stage on a couple of occasions (after some arm-twisting!) and is a regular helper on our front of house team.
Over their many years Bob and Margaret have steered the Circle Players with their unwavering commitment and unity, keeping the ethos of the Circle Players that we are friends and family first; and Bob’s enthusiasm has inspired us all. He has been a constant in all our lives and an active member of the Circle Players right up to the end. Bob was best known for his tireless and inventive work backstage and in the sound and lighting box. He spent many years as Stage Manager and so many of the sets, props and effects seen over the decades have had Bob’s skill and imagination behind them.
Bob loved nothing more than being faced with a props challenge to meet and came up with some of our best effects. His talents did not only lie backstage however, he has been known to tread the boards occasionally and many people will remember the most recent role he took on and performed magnificently as Godfrey in Dad’s Army in 2022.
However, apart from his role in the Circle Players he did so much more for all of us. When asked for instant memories of Bob members of the group recalled how he used come along to rehearsals with a car boot full of produce from his allotment to share; regularly take the doors off in their house to make more room for after show parties back at ‘Bob and Margi’s’; present slide shows for us to laugh at and reminisce over previous plays; holidays we’ve shared away as a group; rambles he organised for us when he would bring along his famous ‘blue paper sheets’ for us to picnic on; his long chats about his collection of vintage motor cycles; his gardening tips; his endless enthusiasm for his own and other people’s hobbies and interests; the Kermit the Frog sweatshirt saved especially for rehearsal nights; his sense of humour at set building and willingness to transport anything anywhere in his trailer; and the one everyone remembers Bob for – his delicious mince pies which he made every year for us to have at our AGM just before Christmas! The list went on and on with so many happy memories. So amidst our deep sadness over losing Bob we also think how lucky we are to have known him and been a part of all those happy times. Our love and thoughts are with his wife Margaret and daughters Jenny and Carol.
Gill Troman - On behalf of the Circle Players
A message from our Presidents:
As this 90th year of the Circle Players draws to a close, it’s a time for reflection and reminiscing. Our first thoughts, naturally, go to our founders, Bill and Connie Webb, who we know would be so pleased and rightly proud that the little drama group they began way back in 1934 is still going strong 90 years later, still maintaining a high standard of amateur theatre yet still keeping that “family” feeling which we all value so much.
Like any family through the years, we have lost valued members, who are sadly missed but often fondly remembered. There are many people to thank for our continued success, but none more so than you - our audiences past and present. You are why we do what we do and we are eternally grateful for your continued support.
With your help, we hope to reach our 100th birthday - what a party that will be!
Thank you.
Margaret and Bob Jeffcoat
(written in July 2024)
Life Presidents of Circle Players
1934 - 2024 Circle Players celebrates 90 years!
To celebrate its 90th birthday, The Circle Players invite you to experience a year of theatre from an award winning local team - one of the longest established non-professional groups in the country. Enjoy three distinctly different productions in February, June and October; see "What's On" page for details of forthcoming productions.
Tickets are affordable with complimentary refreshments (excluding ice creams) and shows are held in the heart of Aldridge with great access, parking and bus links.
June 2022
Our fabulous set for J.B.Priestley's "When We Are Married". The transformation from empty stage to painted box set all happens in one day, with the addition of "dressing", furniture and props during our last couple of rehearsals. A lot of very hard work but worth it, and just another part of the team work that goes into bringing one of our productions to life!
February 2022
The Circle Players are thrilled to have had such amazing support and great attendances at their first production in 2 years - a huge thank you to all of our supporters for coming along to watch Dad's Army..... It's great to be back!
Coronavirus Update
September 06, 2020
**** UPDATE September 2020 ****
Provisional dates for next production – 9th to 12th June 2021.
Whilst we are very keen to get back on stage, the safety and well-being of our audience and group members are obviously top priority. Recognising that the situation may change either locally or nationally, it is our current hope to bring you the postponed “Ladies in Lavender” on the above dates. This will, of course, be subject to Aldridge Youth Theatre being allowed to open and everyone following whatever guidelines are in place. Further news and updates will be posted both here and on Facebook when we have them.
Winner of Best Drama
April 14, 2018
We were thrilled to win the NODA award for Best Drama in our region in 2018, with our production of Day of Reckoning. We loved performing as comical characters from a quiet village church committee.
Quizmas Champions
December 09, 2017
In December The Circle Players stepped away from the lights of the stage and put their heads together, winning the Walsall Lord Mayor's Christmas Quiz!
Knitting For Oxfam
November 27, 2017
During a recent Production of Pam Valentine’s Day of Reckoning by The Circle Players at Aldridge Youth Theatre, one of the characters spent half the play knitting a blanket “for the third world”. However, when the play ended, Margaret Jeffcoat continued knitting, and last Saturday (November 25 2017) part of the cast and the crew presented the completed blanket to Maria Nash (centre), manager of the Oxfam shop in Aldridge.
Book Donation
May 31, 2017
In the Summer of 2017 The Circle Players donated three books to Leamore Primary School, Bloxwich, for their special selection of '100 Books To Read Before You Leave Y6'. We were given the opportunity to place an insert inside the front cover of our chosen books with a message to the pupils who choose to read those particular books. Head teacher, Michelle Hill, was delighted with our donation and thanked Circle Players on behalf of the children at the school. The titles of the books we donated are The Borrowers, The Fantastic Flying Books and The Girl of Ink and Stars.
Best Drama NODA Nomination
June 29, 2016
As members of NODA, we were once again honoured to be nominated for Best Drama in 2016 in our district of the West Midlands Region. Unfortunately, we got "pipped at the post" and didn't win this time but had a great time at the Awards ceremony regardless!
Marjorie Amos 1933 - 2016
April 06, 2016
It is with deep sadness that we have to inform you that our dear friend and President of The Circle Players, Marjorie Amos, died on 28 May 2016. Marji had been a member of the group since joining as a junior member in 1947 and became Life President in 1988, taking over that position from one of our founders, Mrs Connie Webb. Over the years she left twice, firstly to live in Wales and then in France for a while, but on each return settled comfortably back into The Circle Players. As one of our most talented actresses, audiences saw Marji on stage up until the 1990s. Many of the group have grown up under the nurturing eye of Marji and feel privileged to have acted on stage with her. She will be very sadly missed.
NODA Award Winning Performance
April 09, 2014
Following our previous nominations, we were delighted to actually win the NODA award for Best Drama in our region in 2014, with our production of Oh What A Lovely War. This felt like a very appropriate and heart-warming end to our 80th anniversary celebrations.
NODA Award Nomination
January 01, 2014
The Circle Players production of Veronica's Room was nominated for a NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association) award early in 2014. This dark and atmospheric play featured Beth Howell, Jean Kerby, Clive Barlow and Thom Handley, and was directed by Helen Gilfoyle in February 2013. We didn't win on this occasion but were delighted to have been nominated again.